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Jurek Rotha | Fäulnis

14.10.2023 – 11.11.2023 @ shower

"What here still veils in impenetrable mist the becoming of things and their not becoming, that fades before the gaze of these prophesying spirits."

German Dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Lfg. 4 (1883), Vol. VII (1889), Sp. 732, Z. 56.

Rotha constructs in his morbid pictorial worlds, landscape portraits in which he explores the gorge between aversion and affection and builds fine bridges. Shifts in proportion, distortion, ornamentation, nesting, decay. Meticulous gestures, rarely resolved, as if following a silent plan, flicker in dim compositions that hint at an upheaval. A (non-)becoming. Machines, animals, people, things, landscape are emphasised in their unambiguity as well as transfigured in their attributes beyond recognition. It is a boggy terrain that one enters through Rotha's pictures.

A damp, musty path of form-finding on which the figurations can be observed in the absurd moment of dissolution, in the tipping moment of greatest certainty and doubt. Bulky and full of tension, Rotha's projections can reverberate in the retina-ironed viewer and question popular habits of seeing and longing.

Jurek Rotha lives and works in Leipzig. He has been a self-taught artist since 1988. In 2021, he deepened his artistic expertise by participating in two guest semesters in the Schröter class at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst(HGB) Leipzig.