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Georg Brückmann

MacGuffin, 2020

For the work MacGuffin I construct scenery from Alfred Hitchcock films. The reconstructed backdrops are photographed in great detail.
The coining of the term MacGuffin is attributed to Hitchcock and stands for more or less arbitrary objects or persons that trigger or advance the plot in a film.

Bauhaus Dessau, 2019

Das große Kaminzimmer I-III, 2014 – 2016

Kundmanngasse 19, 2015

Margarethe Stonborough Wittgenstein commissioned the architect Paul Engelmann to build a representative city villa in Vienna in 1925. From 1926, her brother, the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, joined in the design process and took over most of the planning.
After almost four years of construction, the Wittgenstein House was occupied by Margarethe and her family as well as numerous servants at the end of 1928. Their guests included practically the entire Viennese cultural society of the time. With the exception of a 7-year exile in the USA, Margarethe lived in Haus Wittgenstein until her death in 1958. Ludwig Wittgenstein planned the house between his two main philosophical works, whose theories are unmistakably reflected in the architecture.
In this sense, the Wittgenstein House is a philosophy that has become a house.

Stillleben, 2006-2020


2009-2012 Master student studies with degree
2009Diploma with distinction at the HGB Leipzig with Professor Tina Bara
2003-2009Studied photography at the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig
2001-2003Studied communication design with a focus on photography at the University GHS Essen
2023„Grand Opening“, Galerie shower, Leipzig
2021„IM FLUTLICHT – Historische Fotografien und zeitgenössische Kunst“, Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig (Katalog)
2019„PARADIGMA“ Blickwechsel 2019_copyright, Tapetenwerk, Leipzig
2019„Bauhaus Dessau“, Josef Filipp Galerie, Leipzig (Einzelausstellung)
2019„VISIONEN DER MODERNE HEUTE“, Museum für Photographie, Braunschweig
2018„Junge deutsche Fotografie – NEW POSITIONS“, KulturBäckerei, Lüneburg
Prizes and scholarships
2022Arbeitsstipendium der Stadt Leipzig
2020Denkzeit – Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
2017Katalogförderung, Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig
2017Katalogförderung, Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn
2016Künstlerförderung der Heussenstamm Stiftung Frankfurt/Main
2013Arbeitsstipendium der Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn
2012Künstlerförderung durch das Trustee-Programm des Else-Heiliger-Fonds der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
2009gute_aussichten – junge deutsche Fotografie
2007nominiert für die Plat(t)form 07 im Fotomuseum Winterthur
2006Preisträger des Kodak Nachwuchs Förderpreis