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Tim Cierpiszewski

Thus, his artistic interest is directed towards the architecture surrounding art. On the one hand, this functions as a starting point for display-related works and thus not only refers to the architectural context, but also actively incorporates it into the artistic process, so to speak. By incorporating irregularities and disruptive elements into his work, Tim Cierpiszewski also works away from the specifics of the exhibition spaces and creates an expanded architectural approach, a material rethinking of the exhibition display. For some time now, the artist has been supplementing his actual spatial and architectural way of working with the inclusion of other spaces or other spatial concepts.

For example, he takes into account our collective social (image) consciousness, the virtual space of the internet and uses a wide variety of image downloads as the basis for various image samplings and remixes, in order to combine these in turn with the specific exhibition architecture. The result is a complex interweaving of building form and content, the omnipresent internet and wall designs, which are presented in surprising installative contexts.

KILL YOUR IDOL | Kunstverein Greven

ABY 97


Exhibition prospects 'Smells like in situ', Tim Cierpiszewski, Galerie shower, 2023


2003 – 2009 Studied free art at the Münster Art Academy with Prof. Maik and Dirk Löbbert
2009 Akademikerbrief
2007 Meisterschüler
2007 – 2008 Guest studies with Prof. Martin Gostner, Düsseldorf Art Academy
2001 – 2003 Studied philosophy at the University of Essen
Exhibitions (selection)
2023 PROSPECT, New York City, USA [E]
2023 Kunst im Wohnraum, Essen [E]
2023 Neuland, Bochum [E]
2023 LOVE, Galerie Paul Scherzer, Halle [D]
2023 SHOWER Galerie, Liepzig [E]
2023 Kunstbasis, Köln
2023 Ich schreib dir von Zuhause IV, Raumprogramm, Münster
2023 Converse, Flow Kunstraum, Bonn [D]
2023 Ich schreib dir von Zuhause IV, Raumprogramm, Münster
2022 79 YBAABY 97, Revolution V52, Digital Zone, Marseille, Frankreich [E]
2022 Jahresgaben / Annuel Edition, Kunstverein Bad Wonder
2022 SPIEL- RÄUME, KI-Biennale, Forum Kunst und Architektur, Essen
2021 KILL YOUR IDOL, Kunstverein Greven [E]
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